2024: new year new place (and food poisoning)
Finally recovered from food poisoning and now it’s 2024 already dang and I'm in Bali
Finally recovered from food poisoning and now it’s 2024 already dang.
Play a long game
I had never in my life set goals for the year at the beginning of the year
But yeah why not. Let’s try it.
So I set a goal of 2024: 10k MRR by the end of the year
Does this seem too much or achievable?
I broke it down into actionable items and then set a goal for each month and week.
Again, I had never done this kinda thing in my life.
I had been going with the flow.
But I needed to change it to play a long game, which means setting priorities and saying no to unimportant things.
Be aware of goal attainment on a daily basis and always consider whether saying yes to this will contribute to goal attainment.
This is something I didn’t do last year.
I flew to Dubai and San Francisco, ground but I was still kinda going with the flow and was not serious enough about a goal (I didn’t have a concrete goal to achieve).
Playing a long game means the goal may not be achieved by the date set by you, and even if it is, you will keep trying.
but yeah why not?
I chose to play it.
2024 is gonna be different.
I was in Vancouver a year ago, and I’m in Bali rn.
Where am I going to be in a year?
Looking forward to whatever is coming.
P.S. I’ll talk about Bali another time since I’ve been here only for a couple of days so far.